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Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Got real inspired today. Must be because of the holiday mojo.
wow! no wonder people love to "tipu-tipu sakit" just to apply sick leaves. students. -_-"
whatever it is. today my post title would be about positive. so I'm gonna write some useful crap about that. why am i inspired to write about that? so boring for certain people. sure it is.
but despite the boring title, i think it kind of important thing that people should realize. 
especially people like me who always think negative negative negative.
my bf always said "kenape u ni negatif sgt?" "takkan la i keluar makan pun u nak kate i p flirt dgn my ex, negatif betul!"
haha. that was the old me. now I'm not like that any more okay. maybe. :P
okay okay okay. why being positive is important?
of course it is. being positive let us to see problem in positive look, in different perspective, we solve problem using positive way, live in positive life yang boleh elakkan kite dgn masalah2x yang boleh berlaku kalau kite berfikiran negative. 
sebab aku ni selalu ditimpa dengan masalah2x yang tak sepatutnye berlaku, then baru la aku start percaya cakap my boy. maybe betul la aku ni negatif . then baru la nak muhasabah diri, make research how to be positive, how to solve problem and so on. so, jadi positive ni sebenarnye penting. sgt penting. i wonder if i realize this duluuuuuu lagi, maybe my life would change a little.
TETAPI! siapa kite nak mengubah takdir kan? ececehhhh.
so, life must go on, make improvement, be positive!
I'm gonna share some website yang cakap pasal how to be positive. enjoy reading it! :)